With Apple finding more takers in India, brands selling premium smartphones are under pressure. Once the undisputed leader in the segment, Samsung too has slipped down the pecking order over the years. The South Korean company would be hoping to change that with its new flagship Galaxy S22 series of smartphones. While the top end S22 Ultra – with its built-in stylus – is a device for enthusiasts, it is the Galaxy S22+ that is expected to strike a chord with mainstream buyers in the segment.
The S22+ comes with a large 6.6-inch AMOLED display, which produces top-notch colours, while the 120Hz refresh rate makes user interface (UI) animations and scrolling through apps a lot smoother.
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Handling the S22+ was also easy, as it fits comfortably in the palm despite the considerably large display. The phone’s overall flat design also offers better grip, especially when you are using it with one hand.
In a major departure from previous flagships, the Galaxy S22+ and its sibling, the Galaxy S22, run on a Qualcomm system on chip (SoC). Until last year, Samsung used its proprietary Exynos SoCs in India, while the Qualcomm SoC was used only in the US and a few other markets. The S22+ runs on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip, which delivers smooth and consistent performance across apps and games. Games such as PUBG New State worked without any hiccups even on the highest graphics settings.
The S22+ also has a bigger 4,500mAh battery than the S22. Battery backup is dependable and can last a full workday on modest to heavy usage, with some gaming and video playback.
Cameras are a huge selling point in flagship smartphones these days. The Galaxy S22+ has a similar camera module as its predecessor. The phone includes a 50MP wide-angle camera, a 12MP ultra-wide-angle camera with a 120-degree field of view, and a 10MP telephoto camera with 3x optical zoom and 30x hybrid digital zoom. Interestingly, photos through the wide-angle camera can muster ample amounts of detail.
Colors also look bright without feeling too oversaturated as has been the case with many of the previous Samsung flagships. The telephoto lens can also pull a decent amount of detail. The S22+ also supports 8K recording at 24fps. Video recording is impressive. So much so that even the full high-definition videos recorded at 60fps look smooth and stable, which makes it ideal for recording from fast-moving vehicles, for instance. Low-light performance is decent. But there is still some scope for improvement in terms of detail and colors.
The Samsung Galaxy S22+ has a lot going for it. It has a big and vivid screen, delivers top-notch performance, and has an impressive camera setup. It is competing against the likes of the Apple iPhone 13 (which starts at ₹79,990) and the Vivo X70 Pro+, which also offers an impressive camera with an in-built gimbal and a large screen in a compact form factor.
Lastly, here's a look at some more key highlights and specifications.
Pros: Performance deserving of a flagship; Vivid and sharp display
Cons: Cluttered user interface feels repetitive; No fast charger included with device
Price: ₹84,999; Battery: 4,500 mAh; OS: Android 12 and One UI 4.1; Dimensions and weight: 75.8 x 157.4 x 7.6mm, 196g
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