Chinese brand Xiaomi launched its new smartphone – the Redmi K50i – in India on Wednesday. With the release of the Redmi K50i, Xiaomi has brought its Redmi K series of smartphones back to India. The smartphone will have a 64MP triple camera, a display with a 144Hz refresh rate, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, and a Mediatek Dimensity 8100 chispet, along with a 67W turbo charger. Additionally, the phone will offer 5G connectivity with more than 12 5G bands.
#RedmiK50i comes loaded with MIUI 13 and Android 12 (out-of-the-box) to optimize user experience. 🔥#LiveExtreme with these perks:
— Redmi India | Redmi K50i (@RedmiIndia) July 20, 2022
60% increased storage efficiency
Faster processing speed
10% increased battery life
Quick access to all your favorite apps.
The Redmi K50i will come in two variants: 6GB+128GB and 8GB+256GB. They will be priced at ₹25,999 and ₹29,999, respectively. The newly launched smartphone will face competition from the recently launched Poco F4 and Nothing Phone (1) in the market. It will be available in three colours – Stealth Black, Quick Silver and Phantom Blue – and will be available for purchase online from July 23rd.
Also read: Xiaomi launches the 12S series and other devices at flagship event
What's more, Xiaomi is providing Redmi K20 Pro consumers with an exchange value. The Redmi K50i costs ₹25,999 on Amazon, and an exchange for the K20 Pro is available for ₹8,050.
The Redmi K50i is also available for a nine-month, interest-free EMI. Users are required to pay ₹2,555.4 each month. Additionally, Xiaomi is also providing ICICI cards and EMI discounts of up to 3,000.
Along with the much-anticipated launch of the K50i, Xiaomi also unveiled the Redmi Buds 3 Lite for ₹1,999 in the Indian market. With an 18-hour music playback, the Buds 3 Lite also come with environmental noise cancellation, Bluetooth 5.2, quick touch response and faster charging - all in a lightweight and sleek design. The earbuds will be available for sale online from 31 July and will cost ₹1,499 for the first 48 hours of the sale.
Here’s a recap of the EXTREME Beast #RedmiK50i -
— Redmi India | Redmi K50i (@RedmiIndia) July 20, 2022
➡️ @MediatekIndia Dimensity 8100
➡️ 144Hz Refresh rate
➡️ Dolby Vision & Dolby Atmos
➡️ 64MP Triple Camera
➡️ 67W Turbo Charge
➡️ Truly Global 5G#LiveExtreme
The mid-range smartphone segment is again seeing some intense competition. Last month, the Poco F4 was launched with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 processor, Android v12 operating system, a 64 MP + 8 MP + 2 MP rear camera and more at a competitive price of ₹27,999.
Also read: Nothing Phone (1) review: This is a statement product