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Moon+ Reader app promises a smooth Android reading experience

The Moon+ Reader not only supports multiple e-book formats but also comes with a host of interesting visual options

Smartphones remain a great option to read books but you need to find a good e-book reader app.
Smartphones remain a great option to read books but you need to find a good e-book reader app. (iStock)

For those who still haven’t warmed up to an Amazon Kindle or a tab to read e-books, smartphones remain a good option—but you need to find a good e-book reader app. You can look at Lithium or ReadEra but the Moon+ Reader stands out.

Moon+ Reader comes in basic and pro versions. If you don’t want to pay for extra features, the basic version still has a lot to offer. Let’s talk about the visual options first. The app lets you customise everything from the font size to the page flip animation, even fix the desired line and paragraph spacing. You can choose fonts from a long list. The app also supports multiple e-book formats, including .pdf, .epub, .cbr, .txt, or .html. You can easily download your favourite e-books and access them through Moon+, available only on Android devices at present.

The Amazon Kindle app remains a decent option for iOS users who can't use the Moon+ Reader. There are similar apps such as Libby and the FBReader that are available on both Android and iOS app stores.

Moon+ Reader comes in basic and pro versions.
Moon+ Reader comes in basic and pro versions.

Once you are on a page, you can tap left or right on the screen to go to the previous or next page. You can even do so by shaking your phone—a feature which is customisable.

An interesting feature is the ability to customise the reader bar buttons. You can keep some of your most-used settings or options on a small bar that appears at the bottom. For instance, screen brightness, toggling day or night mode, font size and bookmarks. The design and user interface ensure you can navigate an e-book with just a finger.

If you do decide to pay for Moon+ Reader Pro, the app will be ad-free with some more additional features such as more themes, fonts, widget support, password protection and the option to tilt your device to turn a page with customized actions.

Category: Books & reference

Ratings: Google Play Store: 4.3 stars; App Store: N/A

You could also look at: Lithium, ReadEra, Librera

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