Google unveiled on Tuesday night its redesigned Pixel smartphones -- the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro -- which will be powered by Google Tensor, the company’s first-ever processor. Apart from a bunch of new camera and design features, the biggest software highlight is Android 12, the latest version of the operating system from Google.
Both the new devices will ship with Android 12, which, according to the company, promises more smart and secure phones. The phones also come with speech recognition and language processing models that will allow users to get more tasks done on the phones using their voice.
Also read: What is the new Magic Eraser feature in Google Pixel 6?
Customers seemed to have warmed up to the new phone’s debut. According to a Bloomberg report, customers attempting to buy the phones faced difficulties: Google’s website either crashed, was sluggish or provided error messages to many users. The problems lasted for roughly two hours, the report adds.
Here’s a look at some other key highlights and features on Google’s new flagship devices.
Polished design
According to a post on Google’s Keyword blog, the standout design feature on the new Pixel phones is the “Camera Bar,” which gives the phone a clean, symmetrical design and puts the camera front-and-center.
The Pixel 6 Pro’s design is inspired by the finishes seen in luxury jewelry and watches. It’s made with a polished metal unibody, Brian Rakowski, vice president of product management, explains in the post. The 6.4-inch Pixel 6 costs $599 while the 6.7-inch Pixel 6 Pro comes at a price tag of $899.
Android 12 and Material You
The latest version of the Android operating system is here. The Pixel 6 phones will ship with Android 12, which brings in a complete overhaul with Material You. When you choose your wallpaper, your entire UI will update to reflect that choice. Everything will feel more responsive and smoother, Rakowski explains in his post. The “At a Glance” feature, which shows up on the home and lock screen of the device, also has a fresh look and new capabilities.
Google’s betting big on privacy and security with these new phones. According to the post, Pixel 6 includes the next generation Titan M2, which works with Tensor security core to protect sensitive user data, PINs and passwords. The security chip will also be tasked with encryption and secure transactions in apps, a Bloomberg report explains.
Advanced cameras
Pixel devices have scored big with users in terms of their camera capabilities. The Pixel 6 phones have a new 1/1.3 inch sensor on the back. This primary sensor can capture up to 150% more light, as compared to Pixel 5’s primary camera, the post explains. This means users will get photos and videos with much greater detail and richer color. Both the devices also have new ultrawide lenses with larger sensors.
According to Rakowski, the Pixel 6 Pro also has a telephoto lens, with 4x optical zoom and up to 20x zoom with an improved version of Pixel’s Super Res Zoom. There’s also an upgraded ultrawide front camera that records 4K video, his post adds. There are a host of other features, including the Magic Eraser, which are bound to make photography on the new Pixel phones more exciting.
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