“Love me, love my pet,” is the motto that millennials follow while looking for a prospective match. This pandemic has seen a record number of pet adoptions take place across the world, and this period had brought furry companions and their parents closer than ever before. One has seen people splurge on their pets in the form of jewellery, high fashion and expensive knick-knacks. In fact, in a recent survey by the British mutual financial institution, Nationwide, Britons spent £124.5 million ($171 million, 146 million euros) in the second quarter on items for their beloved pets, up seven percent from the first. And now it seems that pets have started informing the love lives of their parents as well.
OkCupid shares data from its in-app questions on just how critical it is for millennials that their potential partners love their furry friends just as much. Some of the questions asked include: would you allow a pet to sleep on your bed; are you a cat or a dog person,;would you run into a burning building to rescue your pet? When it comes to the last question, 59 per cent of users have said they would rush to rescue their pet without a doubt, and only 1 per cent have stated that they wouldn't.
Also read: How can you make the process of ageing easier for your pets?
The way their prospective matches behave with their pets shows the app users the level of empathy and compassion that they possess. In fact, 81 per cent of the users would prefer to date a person, who rescues stray animals and brings them home. Pets have also emerged as the perfect conversation starters for 31 per cent of the millennials, coming second only to talks about goals. A lot of the millennial users feel that talking in cute ‘baby voices’ to one’s pets is endearing and shows a person’s sensitive side.
According to Sitara Menon, senior marketing manager, OkCupid, being a pet parent is one of the most important roles for millennials. “During the pandemic, they have spent an increased amount of time indoors with their pets, thus bringing them closer emotionally. This Dog Day we decided to take a closer look at what pet parents seek in a relationship,” she adds.
Also read: Treat your feline overlord on International Cat Day