It has become a habit for many in Bengaluru to reach out to animal welfare worker, Sanjana Madappa, whenever they find an abandoned dog or one that needs to be rescued. In August 2022, she, along with two fellow dog moms and rescuers, Juhi Seth and Melissa Marak, started Second Chance Sanctuary to expand the work of sheltering dogs and finding them a home. This weekend, they are hosting an adoption drive in the city to find forever families for dogs that have beaten all odds.
The Bengaluru-based registered charitable trust’s main aim is to rescue and rehabilitate dogs. Currently, over 70 dogs are in their care, and of them, 23 will be part of the adoption drive. “These dogs have been abandoned by their humans, rescued from most inhumane conditions imaginable and some were literally near death,” says Natasha Vijay, part of the managing committee at Second Chance Sanctuary. The dogs at the drive are between 6 months to 8 years of age, belonging to breeds such as labradors, rottweilers, huskies, German shepherds and cocker spaniels.
“The idea of adoption drives is to find good homes for dogs, to make sure they are loved and taken care of till the end of their time. It also makes space to rescue and care for more dogs,” adds Vijay. Second Chance Sanctuary gets at least five abandoned dogs daily and come across cruelty cases that need their attention and care. Shelter homes across the nation are struggling with the same issue: accommodation. Adoption drives are one way to address the growing problem.
However, it’s important not to rush the process. According to Vijay, there is a set protocol wherein they explain the dog’s needs to those who are interested in adopting them, ask about their lifestyles, and gauge whether they will be a good fit for each other as well their family including other pets. Those interested have to fill out a pre-adoption interview form, which asks for a home video. The organisation also asks people to bring their children and existing pets to the adoption drive to see if they get along with the dog.
Second Chance Sanctuary is unique in that they are “the only organisation that takes in dogs that are considered aggressive” as they work on their behavioural rehabilitation. The organisation has worked with dogs that have been deemed as red zone dogs–referred to as those that are considered aggressive or reactive towards people or other dogs. Second Chance Sanctuary have found them forever homes, something that’s often not thought of as an option for these dogs.
They have rescued more than 400 dogs and facilitated 300 adoptions. The organisation collaborated with the Karnataka Welfare Board to conduct 300 cruelty case confiscations—which included birds and guinea pigs—in January, which, according to Vijay, might be the largest one in the state.
Second Chance Sanctuary is working on getting its first shelter up and running. “This will house about 50 dogs and some of them might be permanent residents as they might not be ready for a home environment yet. It’s to make sure they get to live a dignified life,” Vijay says.
The adoption drive by Second Chance Sanctuary will be held on 10 September from 11 am to 4 pm in Bengaluru. Those interested can send a text on WhatsApp to +91 9900018316.