This year, one saw a massive spike in the online content being created. However, certain channels on YouTube started to use their platforms to foster connections and lift up the spirits. So, there were videos on life skills, which had become critical during the pandemic, from giving yourself a haircut to tips on crisis cooking. People started to upload videos of their festival celebrations while some offered humorous takes on online classes and virtual dating. Others like BB Ki Vines used the channel for a good cause by donating all the earnings from the video to those groups, which had borne the worst brunt of the pandemic.
There were also some like Sandeep Maheshwari, Prajakta Koli and Himeesh Madan, who broached the topic of self-care during the pandemic. One of Madan’s top videos was How to Control Your Mind. Having worked as a corporate trainer in life skills, he wanted to take aspects of emotion management beyond the boardroom. And for that, it was very important to generate content beyond the English language. “I thought of simplifying complex topics and that’s how my journey as an online creator started in 2012,” he says. During the pandemic, he has been posting videos on meditation, ways of making the lockdown more productive and the importance of interpersonal relationships. Madan has got a lot of feedback from viewers about his videos acting as stress relievers.
Koli too feels inspired by the viewer comments. During the pandemic, she has gone through every single direct message on social media and comments. “And almost all the time, the comments mirror what I am feeling at that time, which is understandable, since we are all in the same boat,” she says. On her channel, there have been conversations about hate speech, transphobia, education for girls, and more. While Koli might have got hate comments sometimes, she usually filters through them to get to genuine feedback. “Everyone has been talking about the urge and need to spend more time with family. So, we talk about the brighter side of things as well,” she says.