Take a break: Exercise in office
We all know that poor posture and sitting for long hours is bad for health. So spare five minutes each day and do these exercises at your workstation
Hastha uttanasana
Stand and cross your hands in front. Inhale, cross your arms above the head and bend head to look at hands. Return to the start and repeat five times.
Ardha chakrasana
Stand with feet together. Inhale and take both arms up above your head and bend backwards. Hold this position for five counts. Exhale and bring your hands down. Repeat five times.
Torso strength
Stand with your hands at the level of the shoulder with palm facing outward. Inhale and take your hands at the back while bending backward. Hold for five breaths.
Bellows breath
Stand erect with your palms by your shoulders. Inhale and exhale forcefully while clenching and releasing your hands each time. Repeat for 20 breaths.
Gomukha asana
Take right hand over the right shoulder blade and left arm behind the back. Now try to clasp fingers of both the hands behind the back. Repeat 5 times on each side.
Arm strength
Inhale and blow cheeks out. Lock chin on the chest and hold your breath. Move your shoulders up and down. Repeat 10 times.
Upper arms strength
Sit with elbow bent at 90 degrees. Cycle your arms vigorously forward and backward at shoulder level. Repeat 10 times.
Upper arm stretch
Inhale and raise both arms sideways above the head with palm facing outward. Exhale and bring it back. Repeat 10 times.
Elbow strength
Make fists with hands and bring them closer to the shoulder with a jerk while holding upper arm stiff. Then bring them down to original position.Repeat 10 times.
Arm rotation
Stand erect and bring your arms to shoulder level. Rotate arms without bending elbows. Repeat 10 times clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Hitanshi Kothari Khabya and Gourav Khabya, co-founders HithYoga
FIRST PUBLISHED13.10.2017 | 11:05 AM IST
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