Take a break
We all know that poor posture and sitting for long hours is bad for health. So spare five minutes each day and do these exercises at your workstation

Side bend
Keep fingertips behind the head and lower back stable. Now lift your waist and do a side bend. Hips should stay on the chair, stretching the opposite side out. Return and repeat on the other side.
Upper back extension
Keep fingertips behind the head, the lower back stable, inh ale and slide the chin and chest upwards. Let the ribs open, exhale and return to start position
Lower back stretch
While seated, stretch your legs wider than the chair. Now bend forward to touch the floor with your hands. Walk your hands towards the back of the chair to stretch. Repeat thrice.
Seated Swan
Sit straight. Lift your arms to ears, the chest to the ceiling, and sequentially lift and arch the spine upwards. Exhale to return to start position. Repeat thrice.
Foot stress release
Roll a tennis ball under the soles of your feet, making sure to roll through the centre of the foot and then across from big toe to the little one. Repeat six times.
Knee strengthening
Keep one leg on a low table, knee bent at 15 degrees. Push the heel away to pull the knee cap towards thighs and straighten the leg. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Roll down
Stand against a wall, legs slightly in front. Roll down sequentially till fingers reach toes, and then roll back up making sure to press the lower back in to the wall before rolling up the shoulders. This stretches the spine and opens the shoulders.
Shoulder rotation
Hold a band around palms, elbows tucked into waist. Push forearms wider. Repeat 10 times. This exercise helps strengthen the rotator cuff muscles around the shoulder joint.
Reverse bridge
Sit on the floor. Now move your hands behind hips and feet forward. Lift hips off till chest in a way that thighs are in straight line. Keep elbows straight. Repeat thrice.
Spine twist
Sit straight, with arms crossed in front of your shoulders. Now rotate only from the rib cage towards right, back to centre and then left. Repeat five times.
By Taru Chaddha, founder, RedMat Pilates Studios, Gurugram
FIRST PUBLISHED24.03.2017 | 06:46 PM IST
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