Based on a manga, it’s an engrossing series on the ancient sport of sumo wrestling: the ranks and divisions, the politics, the hazing, and the unique rituals, where women are not allowed into the dohyo (the wrestling ring). Kiyoshi Oze (Ichinose Wataru), a former judo player, joins the Ensho stable for financial reasons. He’s cocky, irreverent, and his techniques are horrid, but he’s awfully talented. After a brutal and crushing defeat, he’s transformed. The last episode of the series ended on a tantalising note. (Netflix)
Tokyo-based French wine critic Alexandre Léger has left behind a wine collection worth nearly $150 million. As per his will, his daughter Camille (Fleur Geffrier) and protege Issei (Tomohisa Yamashita) must compete in three wine-related tests to decide who will inherit the estate. Issei is an oenologist; Camille does not drink wine but has an excellent palette trained by her father. It’s a fascinating multilingual series combining family drama with a masterclass on wine. New episodes drop on Friday. (Apple TV +)
Vicky (Sally Dramé) can smell and recreate any scent. She collects scents in jars – including her aunt Julia’s (Adèle Exarchopoulos), recently released from prison. Vicky soon descends into dark memories and discovers more about herself and her family. This French film premiered at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival. Directed by Léa Mysius, who made the striking Ava. (MUBI)
A docuseries on Irish mixed martial artist Connor McGregor, whose brutal efficiency in the ring is matched by his colorful and often controversial boasts outside it. The four-episode series will also focus on his bid to return to fighting after suffering a broken leg during a UFC bout in 2021. (Netflix)