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Why you should be eating watermelon seeds

Pumpkin seeds are passé. Try out these other super seeds instead

Watermelon seeds are great for you
Watermelon seeds are great for you (Pixabay)

If you grew fearing that the watermelon seeds you swallowed would become a tree in your stomach, you're not alone; all our mothers told us that. However, besides the fact that watermelons grow on a vine and not a tree (sorry mom), it turns out that these little brown seeds are great for you.  For starters, at around 150 calories for an ounce, roasted watermelon seeds are pretty low calorie, offering you the satisfying crunch of a packet of chips without the saturated fat and sodium. They're also full of magnesium, iron, good fats,  and zinc.  So yes, great for hair, skin, bones and muscle recovery. 

Also read: Are protein bars really good for you?

Convinced? Here are some great ways to use watermelon seeds

Watermelon seed chutney

Fancy a delicious, spicy chutney to pair with crisp dosas or pillowy idlis? Stir-fry some roasted watermelon seeds with tomatoes, curry leaves, garlic and green chillis. Cook till the tomatoes soften, mixing occasionally. Add cilantro, let it cool, then whizz it all together in a blender with salt. Voila, your chutney is ready. 

Watermelon seed and peanut laddu

Roast watermelon seeds and peanuts separately.  Blend and sift the watermelon seeds; do the same to the peanuts. Mix them together, adding sugar and ghee,  Roll the laddus and decorate with dry fruits. 

Watermelon seed butter

This one is easy. Just blend the seeds in a blender till the oil separates. Add salt and it is ready, ta da. 

Also read: Ten ways to eat pumpkin seeds

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