Hello and welcome to another edition of the Lounge Fitness roundup. In this roundup, we bring you our pick of fitness stories that we published through the week. So, if you missed them the first time around, you can read them here. At Lounge, your fitness journey is very important to us, so we aim to bring you the best information we can.
It is no different this week. Our first story busts a few of the famous 10,000 steps per day myths. In our second story, we look at five fitness-related products which should be of help to you, and in our third story, we look at the best way to get strong forearms.
You have all heard of the benefits of walking 10,000 steps everyday; in fact, we’re sure that many of you follow this religiously. Now, there’s nothing wrong with it, but what if we told you that to maintain a good level of health you need to walk less than half that number?
In fact, that is exactly what a groundbreaking new study shows. According to this study, which you can read more of by clicking on the link above, as long as you are walking about 4,000 steps everyday, that’s enough. Of course, you need to do other things too, like getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating nutritious food, etc. But we strongly suggest that you read the full story to find out more.
Many exercise purists believe that one does not need any external help from any gear in order to lead a fit and healthy life. While that is certainly true, you need to be living in a non-urban environment for that to work. For the majority of us, well, we do need some help.
In this excellent list of useful gear, writer Shrenik Avlani lists some new products that you may not know about. These range from a new Garmin smartwatch to a smart scale for your body data and more. Check it out!
Whenever people get into strength training, they are often looking for an aesthetic kick: basically, looking good. But the basic need for strength has less to do with that than to do with leading a long and healthy life. The stronger you are, the longer you will live.
And, as writer Pulasta Dhar says in this fantastic piece, this is especially true of your forearms. Numerous stuidies have found a direct correlation between strong forearms and a strong grip and longevity. Dhar writes about these studies, and also lists a bunch of really good exercises you should try!