On Monday, the prestigious restaurant award platform La Liste, recognised six chefs across the world as New Talents de the Year. Mumbai chef Vanika Choudhary, of the restaurant Noon, was part of this coveted list. Choudhary is a champion of ingredients, cooking techniques and communities from Kashmir and Ladakh, and has carved a name for herself in the competitive dining scene of India. Last year, Jaipur-based pastry chef Tejaswi Chandela was on this list.
La Liste, headed by French entrepreneur Philippe Faure, is headquartered in Paris. It is guide for top restaurants, hotels and pastry shops around the world. Their judging process involves ‘curating a large group of the world’s most respected critics, assigning scores to their reviews and applying a weighted average to summarize the range of opinions.’ The end goal is to create a definitive list of the best gastronomic experiences.
Three days ago, it rolled out a list of 1000 top restaurants for 2024, and 27 Indian places across Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Goa feature here. Some of the most popular high-end restaurants from Mumbai dominate the selection from India. This is the full list of premium dining spots from India, led by the inimitable Indian Accent in Delhi with a score of 95: