Few week’s ago, Alia Bhatt shared that she loves tres leches on her Instagram account (@aliaabhatt). It’s a Mexican milk cake served with a thick cream frosting and is plated in a moat of thickened milk. Subsequently, the post went viral with recipe creators sharing how to make milk cake in a variety of ways.
About two week’s ago, chef Gordon Ramsay partnered with Selena Gomez for a breakfast burger. Both recipes deserve a place on your weekend cooking plan.
Not only is this recipe eggless, but also requires no oven. All you need is a heavy-bottomed flat pan into which the batter is poured, and cooked on low heat. The method yields a super soft sponge that can soak up the delish milk base. Every single ingredient in this recipe is available in your neighbourhood kirana store, and they come together to yield something ultra fancy. Remember to up your game by keeping a few strawberries and blueberries in stock. They will be used to top up the cake for an indulgent weekend dessert.
Two unstoppable celebrities come together for this fun recipe. Who says a burger doesn’t qualify as breakfast, especially if it’s for the weekend? Infact, make it for brunch, and serve it with coffee spiked with gin or vodka; aka an Espresso Martini. The burger has a meat patty, and is paired with scrambled eggs. The eggs are made with lots of butter and crème fraîche for a nice pillowy texture. Ramsay handholds Gomez through the cooking process, and shares several handy tips, like how to use a chef’s knife. Oh, there's avocado too! Watch this video, and prepare a breakfast to treat yourself this weekend.