As expected, celebrities brought their A-game to the 2023 Golden Globes red carpet. Whether it was Ram Charan, who opted for a Tarun Tahiliani bandhgala, S. S. Rajamouli's red and black kurta and dhoti, Billy Porter's Siriano magenta tuxedo dress or Viola Davis in a royal blue Jason Wu gown, the theme for the night was elegant old-school fashion.
A look at some of the stunning looks:
Billy Porter made another super stylish appearance with the Siriano magenta tuxedo dress.
Davis' looked regal in her Wu gown with ruching.
Also read: A-list glamour returns to the Golden Globes red carpet
Coolidge brought a sense of glam and fun to the red carpet with her black Dolce and Gabbana long-sleeved gown with matching nail polish.
Michelle Williams, who was nominated for Best Actress Motion Picture Drama for The Fabelmans, wore a custom Gucci ivory gown with bead-trimmed, pleated ruffles and platform sandals.
Chastain stunned in an intricate Oscar de la Renta gown.
Matt Bomer's aubergine velvet blazer was on trend.
Also read: Golden Globes 2023: Fabelmans, Banshees of Inisherin triumph