Last week, actor and youth icon Alia Bhatt unboxed the Samsung Galaxy Z-series smartphones, the Galaxy Z Fold3 5G and Galaxy Z Flip3 5G that came as a surprise in a ‘black’ box delivered to her by a drone. And, now she can’t decide whether she wants to Flip or Fold!
The actor said she ran a small test on both the phones and “they lived up to every promise.”
The Galaxy Z Fold3 5G is for those who like their phones big, as it offers a large screen for an immersive viewing experience and better productivity. The screen, which is ‘bigger than Alia’s face’, is specially designed for multitasking. The large display enables you to divide the screen and work on different things simultaneously.
When Alia opened the Galaxy Z Fold3 5G to watch her favourite video, she couldn’t locate the camera. And, then she discovered that it is ‘hidden’! The foldable has an Under-Display Camera, which allows for the front camera to disappear, delivering a much more immersive multimedia experience, without the distraction of a camera hole.
Alia also took notes on her new phone using the S Pen, using it to bookmark the next dress she wants to buy! “You can get so much done on this phone, it’s crazy!” she said.
Samsung has developed several apps, which are optimized for a large screen experience and using a S Pen with these apps will further boost their productivity.
Alia couldn’t believe that Samsung “has managed to fold the glass”. Galaxy Z Fold3 is the thinnest, most pocketable foldable yet. The main screen is made from Samsung Ultra-Thin Glass, which is a giant leap in foldable glass technology.
With the addition of a panel layer and protective film, this screen is 80% more durable than earlier models, thanks to an armour aluminium frame and Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus™.
The new Samsung Galaxy Z series phones are also IPX8 rated water resistant. No wonder Alia Bhatt dared to pour a glass of water on her brand-new smartphone to demonstrate this aspect in the fun unboxing video!
The Galaxy Z Fold3 is all you’d want in a premium flagship smartphone. It is a strong reason for Alia to choose the revolutionary foldable as her daily driver. Go ahead and unfold for yourself